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José Relvas School Grouping, Alpiarça

9th grade students made a video alluding to WW2, based on an exhibition that was set up at the school and excerpts from presentations of work in the classroom, in the SELF discipline. 

Grade 12 students made a leaflet/glossary, bookmarks, opened an Instagram account,  read and discussed "If this is a man", distributed the materials to colleagues. They also completed an online questionnaire using Kahoot .

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Lixa School Grouping, Felgueiras

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Constance Schools Grouping

Within the scope of the Annual Plan of Activities, the History Group, from the Constância Schools Group (AEC), is preparing to remember the 27th of January – The Day in Remembrance of the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust with the holding of an exhibition at the School Library and the presentation of the play: “Candles that Never Go Out”. The 9th grade students of the AEC have been preparing and carrying out the rehearsals for the aforementioned dramatization (until the closing day of the schools), since the beginning of the school year, after the theme has been worked on in Citizenship and Development , with research and debates.
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Avelar Brotero Secondary School in Coimbra

Mangualde School Grouping

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Ponte da Barca Secondary School

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At Ponte da Barca Secondary School, the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust was commemorated: A "Tribute to Aristides de Sousa Mendes - A Just One Among the Nations" was paid.

On the link of the school page you can see some of the initiatives. holocaust-victims?fbclid=IwAR1E96PLN6F7-ELnaMbqLKHhJ2OAbvyvjrqGoYlfgChsBgH69kGT_T6YH8k

Paião School Grouping

Students from the Paião School Group participated in the # we remember project.

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Basic and Secondary School of Ibn Mucana, in Alcabideche

The exhibition "Never forget" was an activity developed by the Núcleo de Internship de Español with the support of the History Group of Escola Básica e Secundária Ibn Mucana. The exhibition was open on the 4th, 5th and 6th of May.


Jorge Peixinho Secondary School, Montijo

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The History Group, the Internship Nucleus and the ESJP European Club, in partnership with Memoshoá - Associação Memória e Ensino do Holocausto, promoted the Exhibition entitled "Portuguese Deportees during World War II", authored by the project NOMES, from 3 on the 14th of May, in the entrance hall of the school. This exhibition accompanies the evocation of the 76th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe and Europe Day - May 9th.

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Grouping of Guilherme Correia de Carvalho Schools, in Seia

The European Club of the Guilherme Correia de Carvalho School Group, in Seia, developed an activity on the Holocaust, under the coordination of teachers Paulo Barata Dias and Fátima Silva, during the month of May, in various spaces at their school.

Visit to the Fronteira da Paz Museum, in Vilar Formoso

In the manual Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust, Kathrin Meyer, Executive Secretary of the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), recalls the words of Göran Persson, at the opening of the International Forum on the Holocaust, in Stockholm, in the year 2000 , “It happened once. It shouldn't have happened, but it did. It shouldn't happen again, but it could. That is why Holocaust education is critical.”

On June 22, European Club students, coordinators and other teachers visited the Fronteira da Paz Museum, in Vilar Formoso. Since the European Year of Rail Transport is being celebrated, the trip took place by train, thus allowing for various learning opportunities about what we call “Trains that save”.

One of the messages of the Fronteira da Paz Museum is that our country knew how to welcome all those who, fleeing the horror of war and persecution, were looking for peace and an opportunity to start a new life.

In this century, still young, it becomes more and more imperative to talk about rail transport as a way to save our planet, giving this example to our students on how to travel in a sustainable way.

It was possible to carry out the study visit to the Fronteira da Paz museum due to the collaboration of the Guardians of the 8.ºC, who made efforts to have transport from Seia to Nelas, with the collaboration of Seia Futebol Clube, as well as elements of the teaching and non-teaching staff who bought our plans to make the train ticket more accessible.

We thank all those who collaborated in the logistics of the exhibition “Para Lá das Aparências”, provided by MEMOSHOÁ - Associação Memória e Ensino do Holocausto.

Text by the European Club of

Guilherme Correia de Carvalho School Grouping, Seia

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