Memory of the Holocaust at the António Arroio Artistic School
Durante a semana de 23 on the 27th of January, various activities will be carried out at the António Arroio Artistic School, dedicated to the invocation of the Memory of the Holocaust. These activities will be promoted by the disciplines of History of Culture and Arts and English. A debate with historian Irene Pimentel will be held, in which three classes from 10th grade and one from 11th will participate, on the 24th of January at 10.30 am. There will also be a film and debate session on Friday at 2 pm.

“He who saves a life saves humanity.”
To evoke the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Ponte da Barca Secondary School promotes, between January 27th and February 3rd, various activities.
This year, the “Righteous Among the Nations” will be honored, with emphasis on the Portuguese “Righteous”. People who, even at the risk of losing their lives, saved thousands of Jews from extermination by the Nazis during World War II.
Because “there is no future without memory”, Escola Secundária de Ponte da Barca reiterates its commitment to promoting education, memory and the study of the Shoah.

School Library of Santa Marta de Penaguião
Our school, in a school library activity in collaboration with Professor António Martins, celebrated this date throughout the month of January with various activities: an exhibition of books on the subject, reading sessions and a cinema cycle, comprising five films: “The girl who stole books”, by Brian Percival, based on the work of Markus Zusak; “Life is beautiful”, by Roberto Benigni; “Run, boy run”, by Pepe Danquart, based on a book by Uri Orlev; “The boy in the striped pajamas”, by Mark Hernan based on a novel by John Boyle, finally, “Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Consul of Bordeaux”, by Francisco Manso and João Correia.
All students at the host school had the opportunity to view one of the films in the cycle, a session preceded by a brief contextualization.
At the end of the month, Professor António Martins held a reading and discussion session with sixth grade students on the book "I wanted to fly like a butterfly", the story of Jana a survivor of the Holocaust._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

Quinta do Marques Secondary School
Students from two 9th grade classes were integrated into the annual project of the History group “They Made a Difference” did_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5 disciplines in nariga_bad5cf5 de Mathematics and set up the Wood of the Just. Outros alunos do 9º e 12º anos fizeram biografias de justos (textos, 3D e vídeos). There was a talk with a relative of Holocaust victims.

Escola Básica e Secundária Domingos Capela
The 7th, 8th and 9th grade students_cc781905-14cde3b5b-cf-31986Sundays Chapel (AEMGA) made a Collaborative Mosaic to mark the day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. January 27th is the anniversary of the release of prisoners from Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland, the largest Nazi concentration camp. This work aimed to honor not only the victims of the Holocaust, but all people discriminated against, persecuted and tortured and to reflect on the "legacy" that history leaves us.