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Avelar Basic School, Ansião School Group - Leiria

Colmeias School Grouping

     The Erasmus+ project entitled “Yourope: Yourope in Europe” (2017 in Europe) is under development at the Colmeias School Group. -2019). This involves 5 European schools (Portugal, Romania, Finland, Hungary and Turkey) and is aimed at 3rd cycle students. It aims to promote in students an enlightened and proactive attitude towards Europe, taking into account what it represents/influences in the lives of each one of us. The emphasis goes to the development of skills, knowledge and values related to European Citizenship/Belonging, working on interdisciplinary aspects of the curriculum, in a dimension of transnational cooperative work, with a focus on the integrated use of ICT and languages in the learning process.

      The focus of the first year is the past of Europe, with emphasis on the Second World War/Holocaust and its reflection in current European experiences. In this context, the following activities were programmed:

- presentation of a book/film related to the theme;

- knowledge/dissemination/awareness activity for the theme of the Holocaust;

- exhibition on this subject in the library to mark the Day in Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust;

- interactive map of Europe with the most significant places/events of that era;

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_      - redação de digital stories in transnational groups;

      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - visit to significant sites in each of the countries involved.


      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   In the second year, issues concerning the present and future of Europe will be addressed, so that the students involved and the school community become more proactive, aware and tolerant.


     To learn more about this project, we recommend consulting the following links:

- Portuguese publications in the facebook group on the subject:


Leading teachers:

Bernardete Francisco and Claudia Mota

School EB 2.3 Teacher Noronha Feio

Grouping of Schools of Benfica

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